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+01145928421 appetito@mikado-themes.com

Storage and handling guide for your Jervis Bay Mussels

Mussels myths busted

1. If they are open before cooking you don’t have to throw them away.

2. If they are closed after cooking you don’t have to throw them away.


Keep your mussels in the netted bag and simply place them in a bowl and place a clean wet towel or ice over the top. Then store them at 0 – 4 °C in your refrigerator.


When preparing the mussels to cook, place them in a colander in the sink and run water over them, using hands or a clean scrubbing brush to rub off any debris from the shell. Only discard the mussels with broken shells or if they emit an off smell.


The “beard” of a mussel is the clump of hair-like fibers that sprout from the shell. We aim to remove as much beard as possible, but some may remain. To remove the beard from the mussel, grab it with your thumb and forefinger and tug it toward the hinge of the shell and till it releases.


Once mussels are cleaned and debearded, they’re ready to cook.

Please note: Mussels that do not open when cooked are fine to eat and should simply be prised open with a knife.

Cook and consume mussels within 48 hours of purchase.